Gallery Ebensperger

Gallery Ebensperger

Culture Gallery Ebensperger, Berlin The gallery space – the chapel of a former crematorium – has limited hanging space due to its vertically curved side walls. To address this shortcoming, we designed a pentagonal pavilion as a room within a room. On both the exterior...
Transforming the Bridge

Transforming the Bridge

Culture | Competition Transforming the Bridge, Cleveland, Ohio OverviewThe project was an invitation from the Cleveland Design Competition to re-imagine the abandoned lower streetcar level of Cleveland’s Detroit-Superior Bridge as a dynamic public space, performance...
Symphony Warsaw

Symphony Warsaw

Culture Symphony Warsaw Music into architecture The architectural shapes of our proposal are inspired by the natural and organic flow that only music is capable of creating. We took the Piano Concerto No 1 of Frédéric Chopin and transformed it to the concert...
St. Hedwig Cathedral Berlin

St. Hedwig Cathedral Berlin

Culture St. Hedwig’s Cathedral Berlin THE NEW CITY OF GOD IN THE CITY A cathedral in the city places high demands on architecture. It invites people and wants to connect them with a different world. They should be able to “lift up their hearts” (see...
Haus Kirchlicher Dienste

Haus Kirchlicher Dienste

Culture Haus Kirchlicher Dienste New ConstructionThe concept for the construction was determined by the cohesion with the opposite church. Reflections and corresponding perspectives create a close connection. The entrance hall plays a key role, designed as a...